Helpful Overpayment Documents

  1. ACS Handbook for Salary Overpayments (The Salary Overpayment Handbook is available to ED employees via the Department’s intranet website.)

  3. 34 CFR Part 32–Salary Offset to Recover Overpayments of
    Pay or Allowances from Department of Education Employees

    Please go here for the full text of these regulations.

  5. 31 CFR Parts 900-904–Federal Claims Collection Standards
    Please go here for the full text of these regulations.

  7. Statutes governing the debt collection process include:
    • Dept Collection Act of 1982, P.L. 97-365 (October 25, 1982)
    • Dept Collection Improvement Act of 1996, sec. 31001 of P.L. 104-134 (April 26, 1996)
    • Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, P.L. 89-508 (July 19, 1966)
    • Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, P.L. 101-576, (January 23, 1990)
    • The Privacy Act of 1974,as amended.